12 de Novembro, 1951.
Feliz aniversário, Cida Moreira!
12th November, 1951.
Happy birthday, Cida Moreira!
Rezemos por Cida Moreira e sua família!
Let us pray for Cida Moreira and her family!
Rezemos por Cida Moreira e sua família!
Let us pray for Cida Moreira and her family!
Out of the Night #1 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Fevereiro-Março 1952. Out of the Night #1 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, February-March 1952. |
Out of the Night #2 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Abril-Maio 1952. Out of the Night #2 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, April-May 1952. |
Out of the Night #3 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Junho-Julho 1952. Out of the Night #3 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, June-July 1952. |
Out of the Night #4 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Agosto-Setembro 1952. Out of the Night #4 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, August-September 1952. |
Out of the Night #5 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Outubro-Novembro 1952. Out of the Night #5 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, October-November 1952. |
Out of the Night #6 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Dezembro-Janeiro 1953. Out of the Night #6 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, December-January 1953. |
Out of the Night #7 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Fevereiro-Março 1953. Out of the Night #7 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, February-March 1953. |
Out of the Night #8 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Abril-Maio 1953. Out of the Night #8 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, April-May 1953. |
Out of the Night #9 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Junho-Julho 1953. Out of the Night #9 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, June-July 1953. |
Out of the Night #10 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Agosto-Setembro 1953. Out of the Night #10 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, August-September 1953. |
Out of the Night #11 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Outubro-Novembro 1953. Out of the Night #11 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, October-November 1953. |
Out of the Night #12 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Dezembro-Janeiro 1954. Out of the Night #12 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, December-January 1954. |
Out of the Night #13 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Fevereiro-Março 1954. Out of the Night #13 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, February-March 1954. |
Out of the Night #14 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Abril-Maio 1954. Out of the Night #14 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, April-May 1954. |
Out of the Night #15 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Junho-Julho 1954. Out of the Night #15 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, June-July 1954. |
Out of the Night #16 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Agosto-Setembro 1954. Out of the Night #16 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, August-September 1954. |
Out of the Night #17 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Outubro-Novembro 1954. Out of the Night #17 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, October-November 1954. |
Conversa Informal. An Informal Call. |
A Chegar em Casa. Coming Home. |
Os Primeiros Dias da Travessia Rápida. Early Days of Rapid Transit. |
Jorge Washington na Batalha de Trenton. George Washington at the Battle of Trenton. |
A Sra. Lydig e Sua Filha a Receber Seus Convidados. Mrs. Lydig and Her Daughter Greeting Their Guest. |
estudo para "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.7 - Marvel Books, 1986. study for "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.7 - Marvel Books, 1986. |
estudo para "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.11 - Marvel Books, 1986. study for "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.11 - Marvel Books, 1986. |
estudo para "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.15 - Marvel Books, 1986. study for "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.15 - Marvel Books, 1986. |
estudo para "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.23 - Marvel Books, 1986. study for "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.23 - Marvel Books, 1986. |
estudo para "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.24 - Marvel Books, 1986. study for "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.24 - Marvel Books, 1986. |
alternativa preliminar de capa para "A Espda Savagem de Conan #188" - Marvel, Agosto 1991. alternative prelimar cover for "The Savage Sword of Conan #188" - Marvel, August 1991. |
Rezemos por Marcel van Hattem e sua família!
Let us pray for Marcel van Hattem and his family!