12 November 2024

Feliz Aniversário, Cida Moreira! (Happy Birthday, Cida Moreira!)

12 de Novembro, 1951.
Feliz aniversário, Cida Moreira!
12th November, 1951.
Happy birthday, Cida Moreira!

Rezemos por Cida Moreira e sua família!

Let us pray for Cida Moreira and her family!


Feliz Aniversário, Avião! (Happy Birthday, Airplane!)

12 de Novembro, 1906.
Feliz aniversário, Avião!
12th November, 1906.
Happy birthday, Airplane!

11 November 2024

Todas as Capas de "Out of the Night". (All Covers for "Out of the Night".)

Out of the Night #1 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Fevereiro-Março 1952.
Out of the Night #1 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, February-March 1952.

Out of the Night #2 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Abril-Maio 1952.
Out of the Night #2 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, April-May 1952.

Out of the Night #3 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Junho-Julho 1952.
Out of the Night #3 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, June-July 1952.

Out of the Night #4 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Agosto-Setembro 1952.
Out of the Night #4 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, August-September 1952.

Out of the Night #5 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Outubro-Novembro 1952.
Out of the Night #5 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, October-November 1952.

Out of the Night #6 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Dezembro-Janeiro 1953.
Out of the Night #6 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, December-January 1953.

Out of the Night #7 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Fevereiro-Março 1953.
Out of the Night #7 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, February-March 1953.

Out of the Night #8 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Abril-Maio 1953.
Out of the Night #8 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, April-May 1953.

Out of the Night #9 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Junho-Julho 1953.
Out of the Night #9 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, June-July 1953.

Out of the Night #10 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Agosto-Setembro 1953.
Out of the Night #10 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, August-September 1953.

Out of the Night #11 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Outubro-Novembro 1953.
Out of the Night #11 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, October-November 1953.

Out of the Night #12 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Dezembro-Janeiro 1954.
Out of the Night #12 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, December-January 1954.

Out of the Night #13 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Fevereiro-Março 1954.
Out of the Night #13 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, February-March 1954.

Out of the Night #14 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Abril-Maio 1954.
Out of the Night #14 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, April-May 1954.

Out of the Night #15 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Junho-Julho 1954.
Out of the Night #15 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, June-July 1954.

Out of the Night #16 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Agosto-Setembro 1954.
Out of the Night #16 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, August-September 1954.

Out of the Night #17 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, Outubro-Novembro 1954.
Out of the Night #17 - Ken Bald - American Comics Group, October-November 1954.

Dia de Celebrar a Polônia! (Day to Celebrate Poland!)

11 de Novembro.
Dia de celebrar a Polônia!
11th November.
Day to celebrate Poland!

09 November 2024

Edward Lamson Henry (1841-1919).

Em Retenção - 1888.
Kept In - 1888.

Conversa Informal.
An Informal Call.

A Chegar em Casa.
Coming Home.

Os Primeiros Dias da Travessia Rápida.
Early Days of Rapid Transit.

Jorge Washington na Batalha de Trenton.
George Washington at the Battle of Trenton.

A Sra. Lydig e Sua Filha a Receber Seus Convidados.
Mrs. Lydig and Her Daughter Greeting Their Guest.

08 November 2024

Earl Norem (1924-2015) - II

estudo para "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.7 - Marvel Books, 1986.
study for "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.7 - Marvel Books, 1986.

estudo para "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.11 - Marvel Books, 1986.
study for "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.11 - Marvel Books, 1986.

estudo para "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.15 - Marvel Books, 1986.
study for "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.15 - Marvel Books, 1986.

estudo para "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.23 - Marvel Books, 1986.
study for "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.23 - Marvel Books, 1986.

estudo para "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.24 - Marvel Books, 1986.
study for "The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson" pg.24 - Marvel Books, 1986.

alternativa preliminar de capa para "A Espda Savagem de Conan #188" - Marvel, Agosto 1991.
alternative prelimar cover for "The Savage Sword of Conan #188" - Marvel, August 1991.

Feliz Aniversário, Marcel van Hattem! ( Happy Birthday, Marcel van Hattem!)

8 de Novembro, 1985.
Feliz aniversário, Marcel van Hattem!
8th November, 1985.
Happy birthday, Marcel van Hattem!

Rezemos por Marcel van Hattem e sua família!

Let us pray for Marcel van Hattem and his family!

Feliz Aniversário, Alain Delon! (Happy Birthday, Alain Delon!)

8 de Novembro, 1935.
Feliz aniversário, Alain Delon!
8th November, 1935.
Happy birthday, Alain Delon!

V: Réquiem ætérnam dona ei, Dómine.
R: Et lux perpétua lúceat ei.
V: Requiéscat in pace.
R: Amen.

07 November 2024

Doris Day (1922-2019).

Tu podes assistir Doris Day a cantar "Secret Love" do filme "Ardida Como Pimenta" aqui.
You can watch Doris Day singing "Secret Love" from "Calamity Jane" here.