Showing posts with label Lucy Christiana Shutherland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucy Christiana Shutherland. Show all posts

04 February 2025

Moda - VI (Fashion - VI)

1850 - bolsa - veludo e contas, EUA.
1850 - purse - velvet and beads, USA.

ca. 1853 - vestido de tarde.
ca. 1853 - evening dress.

ca. 1905 - uniforme de oficial do 1º Regimento dos Hussardos Austríacos.
ca. 1905 - officer's uniform of the 1st Austrian Hussar Regiment.

Lucile (Lucy Christiana Sutherland) (1863-1935).
ca. 1918 - traje para chá.
ca. 1918 - tea gown.

ca. 1924 - vestido de tarde.
ca. 1924 - evening dress.

ca. 1925 - organza azul e cetim.
ca. 1925 - blue organza and satin.

04 November 2023

Moda - III (Fashion - III)

ca. 1608c - roupas que pertenceram a Cristiano II, Eleitor da Saxônia. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Dresden, Alemanha.
ca. 1608 - clothes owned by Christian II, Elector of Saxony. Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Dresden, Germany.

ca. 1918 - atribuído à Lucile (Lucy Christiana, Lady Duff-Gordon (1863-1935)) -  penhoar e camisola.
ca. 1918 - attribute to Lucile (Lucy Christiana, Lady Duff-Gordon (1863-1935)) - peignoir and slip.

ca. 1919 - roupa de jantar que pertenceu a Mary George White Bates.
ca. 1919 - dinner dress owned by Mary George White Bates.

ca. 1928.

1928 - vestido da Callot Soeurs (1895-1932) - Marie Callot Gerber, Marthe Callot Bertrand, Regina Callot Tennyson-Chantrell and Joséphine Callot Crimon
1928 - dress by Callot Soeurs (1895-1932) - Marie Callot Gerber, Marthe Callot Bertrand, Regina Callot Tennyson-Chantrell and Joséphine Callot Crimon.

1928 - sapato de André Perugia (1893-1977).
1928 - shoe by André Perugia (1893-1977).