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Mateus Ayariga (esquerda) - segundo testemunhos, Matthew não era cristão, mas preso com os demais e vendo a fé ardente deles, converteu-se, sendo martirizado com seus companheiros. Matthew Ayariga (left) - according to witnesses, Matthew was not a Christian but during his imprisonment he witness his companions faith and convert, being martyred with them. |
15 de Fevereiro, 2015.
Lembremo-nos do exemplo dado pelos 21 ortodoxos coptas martirizados pelo ISIS!
15th February, 2015.
Let us remember the example set by the 21 Copts Orthodox martyred by ISIS!
Bishoy Adel Khalaf,
Samuel Alhoam Wilson,
Hany Abdel-Masih Salib,
Melad Mackeen Zaki,
Abanoub Ayad Attia,
Ezzat Bushra Nassif,
Yousef Shokry Younan,
Kirillos Shukry Fawzy,
Majed Suleiman Shehata,
Somali Stéphanos Kamel,
Malak Ibrahim Siniot,
Bishoy Stéphanos Kamel,
Mena Fayez Aziz,
Girgis Melad Sniout,
Tawadros Youssef Tawadros,
Essam Badr Samir,
Luke Ngati,
Jaber Mounir Adly,
Malak Faraj Abram,
Sameh Salah Farouk,
Matthew Ayariga.
℣. Requiem æternam dona
ei, Domine
℟. Et lux perpetua luceat
℣. Requiescat in pace.
℟. Amen.