24 February 2021

Mestre da "Natividade Castello" (ativo entre 1445-1470 em Florença) [Master of the Castello Nativity (active 1445-1470 in Florence)]

Nossa Senhora e o Menino Jesus - 1448/50 - óleo sobre madeira. Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum, Hanôver.
Madonna and Child - 1448/50 - oil on wood. Niedersächsisches Landesmuseum, Hanover.
Master of the Castello Nativity

Altar dos Santos Justo e Clemente: Nossa Senhora, o Menino e os Santos Justo e Clemente, painel central - ca. 1450. Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Prato.
Altar of the Saints Justus and Clement: Madonna, the Infant Jesus, and Saints Justus and Clement, central panel - ca. 1450. Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Prato.

Master of the Castello Nativity

Altar dos Santos Justo e Clemente: Natividade, predela - ca. 1450 - têmpera e ouro sobre painel. National Gallery, Londres.
Altar of the Saints Justus and Clement: Nativity, predela - ca. 1450 - tempera and gold on panel. National Gallery, London.

Master of the Castello Nativity

Altar dos Santos Justo e Clemente: Os Santos Multiplicando o Grão de Volterra, predela - ca. 1450. Museum of Art, Filadélfia.
Altar of the Saints Justus and Clement: The Saints Multiplying the Grain of Volterra, predela - ca. 1450. Museum of Art, Philadelphia

Master of the Castello Nativity

Altar dos Santos Justo e Clemente: Os Santos a Rezar Pedindo a Libertação dos Vândalos, predela - ca. 1450. Museum of Art, Filadélfia.
Altar of the Saints Justus and Clement: The Saints Praying for Deliverance from the Vandals, predela - ca. 1450. Museum of Art, Philadelphia

Master of the Castello Nativity

Nossa Senhora Adorando o Menino Jesus - óleo sobre painel. Coleção particular.
Madonna Adoring the Infant Christ - oil on panel. Private collection.

Master of the Castello Nativity

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